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Substituting Games

Subsituting games allows umpires to remove games from their schedule when conflicts arise if and only if they find a viable replacement umpire.

Go to My Games

Requesting a Substitute

  • Locate the game you wish to substitute under the My Games page.
  • Select Substitute on the right-hand side.
  • Select the umpire you want to request as a substitute for your game.
  • Select Send Request.
  • Note: You will receive an error message if
    • the umpire selected does not have permission to accept your position
    • the umpire selected already has a game at the requested time
    • another substitution has already been requested for this game (including other umpires)

Receiving a Substitution Request

  • If another has requested you to fill their position, you will receive an email from Chalkline.
  • Check your email and locate the request.
  • Follow the link in the email labeled View Request.
  • View the game information and select either Accept or Decline.
  • If accepted, the position will transfer to you and the game will now show under the My Games page.