Chalkline Baseball

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Chalkline News

Under Construction

See all new v5.0.0 features below!

Some minor emailing features are still being updated.

You will still receive necessary information about substitute requests and account info.

This message will disappear once emailing features are back to normal :)

New: Sync iCalendar or Google Calendar with Chalkline!

See all of your games, practices, and umpire duties on the calendar app of your choice!

Go to your Profile to get started.

You can support Chalkline here!

Thank you to supporters of Chalkline™!

Dave Miller

Chris Riley

Scott Elsberry

Luke Radcliffe

Find a bug?

Report it immediately to Aidan Hurwitz at

About Chalkline Baseball™

How the magic works

It all starts with a league...

Your league creates a Chalkline setup and imports any data necessary for the season.

Customizing your league is easy and built-in.

Chalkline supports as many teams and users as you provide.

Scheduling is key.

Import your schedule or have Chalkline create one for you.*

Master schedules are easily accessible and custom views are available for each user.

Teams can view the standings and their upcoming games or practices.

Umpires are the cogs of the machine.

Chalkline Baseball™ allows umpires to schedule themselves, without the need for an assignor.

Leagues can assign games manually, or let umpires choose their own schedule.

Coaches can request field umpires to fill their umpire duty, saving time and money.

Never miss an update.

Leagues can send announcments to everyone, or to individual groups/teams.

Rain delay alerts and field closures can be displayed and users can be alerted in seconds.

Automatic reminders are sent out when umpire shifts are filled or game details are changed.

Always improving.

Updates with new features are pushed out every week.

Literally. Every week.

View the Developer's Log.

Dirt cheap.

Pay by season as you need. Pricing is always negotiable.

All features included, no additional purchases needed.

Standard messaging and data rates apply for each user.

* automatic scheduling is currently under development


View Chalkline Documentation

Support the Developer!

Donate just $2 to help fund updates and show your support!

You can buy me a coffee here to show support.

Want to use Chalkline Baseball™ for your league?

Contact Aidan Hurwitz at for more info!

Chalkline Baseball™ is developed and maintained by Aidan Hurwitz

Copyright © 2023 - 2024 Aidan Hurwitz

All Rights Reserved.

Developer's Log

Added support for multiple leagues.

Reworked permission system.

Changed look/feel of schedule.

Added more filtering options.

Improved Admin capabilities and efficiency.

Added automatic DOD scheduling.

Added support for custom age groups.

Reworked umpire system.

Added support for 3+ umpires per game.

Added support for interleague play.

Bug fixes.

Improved consistency and standardization of assets.


Aug. 28 2024

Login redirect now works for Profile page.

Fixed calendar link logging.

Bug fixes.


Apr. 24 2024

Added iCalendar syncing.

Added iCalendar link in profile.

Bug fixes.

Updated copyrights.


Apr. 7 2024

Added user page for Admins.

Added multi-league support.

Updated view-info/user page.

Updated design and version tracker.

Added additional admin features.

Added April Fools article.

Bug fixes.


Mar. 27 2024

Admins can now turn on/off their privileges during a session.

Added substitution system.

Updated docs.

Added conflict checker for umpires.

Added additional admin features.

QOL updates.

Added more emailing features and reminders.

Bug fixes.


Mar. 4 2024

Split reminder mail into 7 unique groups, one per day.

Changed daily reminders to weekly.

Switched from SSL to TLS protocol.

Bug fixes.


Feb. 21 2024

Error handling and response codes updated.

Debugging tools updated.

Bug fixes.


Feb. 17 2024

Added automatic email reminders at 07:00 every day.

Updated about page.


Feb. 16 2024

Squashed bug - permissions not loading in after creating account.


Feb. 12 2024

Bug fixes.


Feb. 10 2024

Edited schedule pages and added filters.

Lots of bug fixes.


Feb. 8 2024

Added ability to remove youth umpire request if unfulfilled.


Feb. 7 2024

Added rental equipment system.

Added admin features for rental equipment.

Added age group filter on master schedule.

Added supporter section to home page.

Bug fixes.


Feb. 7 2024

Added priority adding.

Bug fixes.


Jan. 31 2024

Updated homescreen.

Added warning message for coaches and parents without linked team upon login.

Added support for bulk emailing.

Emails are now sent asynchronously.

Updated Git backups and branch systems.

Bug fixes.


Jan. 15 2024

Added html uploads for announcments.

Logging in now records attempted time and date.

Tweaked password reset email.


Jan. 3 2024

Fixed invite links for adding teams to account.

Tweaked login routing.


Dec. 30 2023

Added email/password authentication

Added password hashing

Added reset password functionality

Fixed AA support

Bug fixes


Dec. 14 2023

Added emailing system

Added Admin tools

Tweaked login function

Added support for AA and below

Bug fixes

More bug fixes


Dec. 9 2023

What isn't new?!

And bug fixes...


Nov. 16 2023

Questions? Check the docs.